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Digital Client Experience Portal 


Project Overview


  • From my findings, users shared that external users want the internal user who they work closely with, to automatically be notified when they upload their documents



Dec.  2022 to May 2023



FM is a property insurance company and is currently releasing the Digital Client Experience portal (DCE portal) in phases of releases. 


The next release in April, 2023 will include the Invoices & My Claims sections.


Renewals: Section where Internal Users (Account Managers) and External Users (Risk Managers), can collaborate on tasks related to renewing the External Users insurance for the upcoming fiscal year.


The previous Digital Client Experience only tracked Risk issues. This new portal will be a centralized place for clients who are Risk Managers at companies to track the Renewals process.


Currently, Internal and Extenral Users collaborate and exchange information through email. The Renewals section of the DCE portal aims to have both users collaborate in a secure and centeralized place.



Prototype Feedback Sessions


Research Goals

This project is looking to understand the flow of the low-fidelity designs, and the usefulness to users.


Research Set-Up


Analyzed previous research

  • Previous Invoices research

  • Exploratory concept testing 














Collaboration pre-user testing w/ SPOs and Designer

  • Meet w/ SPO to get an overview of what they wanted to understand what they wanted to learn from the users

  • Regularly communicated w/ the Design Lead to share preliminary findings




Risk Managers (RMs): will be our main users since they are our clients, they mitigate risk and assess potential risks at their company


Account Managers (AMs): are internal users at FM Global, they support RMs with any issues and provide risk support. 


Users interviewed:

AMs = 4

RMs = 2


Prototype Feedback & Testing cont

  • Created moderated guide in regards to proto type flow, taking into consideration input from SPOs and Designers

  • Created additional questions about their current Renewals process, and if this low-fidelity prototype makes sense to their current process



























  • Synthesized findings and presented high level findings to the SPOs and detailed findings to UX Design Lead​





















  • Due to challenges with External User recruitment, had to rely on Internal User perspective. 



  • From my findings, users shared that external users want the internal user who they work closely with, to automatically be notified when they upload their documents



















  • Providing feedback on high fidelity prototype from previous research studies

  • Currently working on incorporating Renewals into next usability tests




























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